-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, this blog is Pinky, ongoing continuation at blogs Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
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Friday, July 13, 2018

I think my whole life dangles, actually

It's funny that I can see in my stats when my friends' browsers get updated. 😂

Just spent an hour on a massive stat combing session across 3 blogs so I could officially stalk someone, and if you don't know what that actually means, well, I know what your house looks like and how much it's worth. Thanks to Street View and realtors, I literally get a walk thru every room in the house after I see what it looks like coming up to your driveway. It's not real time or anything, don't actually see anyone's dog and probably have new cars by now kind of stuff, but I get the basics. It's nothing really personal, just getting a slight feel for your daily life, but it's in a distant sort of way, probably kind of like looking at a Sims map.

I've said before we're all Sims.
Bioelectricity- evidence that we are someone else's Sims

Yeah, you can tell hardly anyone reads that blog... I'm not sure what to really do with it, so it just dangles out there.

I'm actually currently sketching out a new writing schedule, kicked my inbox over and restacked the queue, reprioritized #allthethings kind of stuff. Guess it's hitting me how hard and fast the last 3 years have flown by, and I'm past the point of catching up and basically needing to do a reboot. It helps to step out once in awhile and then come back to myself and reorganize my head. I've been feeling for awhile like I lost my path or something, and the jungle grew back around me, but I'm seeing all I did was just stop. I'm still standing on the path, just not taking steps. Time to get the machete swinging again.

This is someone else's article. I bet loads of people read it. I looked it up because this song popped into my head and I had to listen to it, because I imagined people probably think I'm horrible to say I'm stalking someone like I'm a sociopath or something, and my dx is narcissism and how weird would it be if I were both, right.
The Difference Between A Sociopath And Narcissistic Sociopath?

Anyway, I'm not jealous of that other blog being popular because that's not the kind of blogging I want to do. I'm not here to be an information content specialist, although, in case you're trying to find how people survive these kinds of diagnoses, you're in the right place. I seem to be doing pretty well, keeping in mind I've got ten years of voluntary supervision with a psychologist under my belt. I've stuck my toe into #transparency the last year and a half. Time to put my superpowers to work. I have special skills, I've spent years practicing, why not see what I can really do?

Besides, I'm cutting edge now, if popular mental health culture change has its way. This is a pretty cool article.
I Am A Narcissist. That's A Good Thing.

My kryptonite gets home in about 3 hours, I've got time for a short nap and some chores. Need to keep this day moving.