May 23, 2018
This is a basic replica of my original Pinky blog on blogger. Well, the actual blogging goes back to 2004, and I've migrated all over the place, so to be technically correct, Pinky blogging started on Xanga, jumped to SyfyDesigns during a server migration, wound up on blogger for mobile, and now stepping over to this 'continued blogging' blog because Google kept complaining the other one was getting too big to crawl any more. So much for the property ID.
I'm not sure if I'll put this one into my feed burner, and likely won't put statcounter on here. :edit: I forgot my feed burner is auto tied into blogger, so maybe I'll take another look at that.
If you need to see my extended blog list, you can click here and scroll down the right side column to "juggling eggs and chainsaws- my other blogs". I might make one here, but it's a very laborious widget to set up.
I'll probably be letting the dotcom pointer go and not worry about reattaching Google property IDs on any of my pinky blogs. The first incarnation went through a savage server move, the second incarnation got too map heavy, and this incarnation is a fresh start without all that extra work in the way, so why spoil it. Guess I had to grind through the experience to learn how to relax.
However, if you'd like to know more about me in general as a person, there is quite a lot on the last one at
-Janika Banks