-Mobile continuation from Xanga blog PinkyGuerrero at PinkyGuerrero, this blog is Pinky, ongoing continuation at blogs Janika & Basically Clueless & PinkFeldspar, in that order.
-Most of the graphics and vids click to sources.
-Personal blog for Janika Banks.
 photo README2.gif


Saturday, July 14, 2018

dotcomming, like you do

Power point.
  • I've decided to keep this dotcom. Got the pointer changed yesterday, so pinkyguerrero.com points to this new blog now. Still fixing up the old one to be the archive for this one, will be making a crossover section.
  • Made my personal facebook more public again, except you still can't see entire friend list even if you are friended. Public will be able to see nearly everything friends can, except the archived posts going back to 2012. All the notes are public again. Yes, Kevin Sorbo really did connect to me on LinkedIn for awhile, per one of the notes. I'm not holding a grudge any more about the disconnect. I'm sure it was an unfathomable misunderstanding.
  • My twitter is so squeaky clean that the big purge didn't even phase my follower list. Was so happy about it that I brought most of my lists back out to public.
  • The self pay part of my 'extraneous' BRCA cancer testing (solidly based on family history) will be over just before Christmas this year. I can't even begin to tell you how hard it's been meeting that monthly payment for nearly two years now on such limited cash availability. It was important, though.
  • That means I can start saving up for new glasses, which I hope to have by 2020. Get it? 2020. lol
  • Toying with whether to review the Farscape marathon I have planned for vacation. Would be a pretty big project.
  • Need to get all my dotcoms synced and info updated.
  • My youtube needs a refurbish quite badly.
  • Lexx. Ah, where to even begin. I have sooooo much work to do...
I know right, used to share a lot more real life pix and stuff. That's another thing I need to get back on.

I can tell I'm feeling better. Like, waaaay better. Maybe I was needing that doxycycline for more than just a tick bite or something. And maybe scrubbing out the germs helped my blood pressure stabilize again or something. I just know it's feeling so much easier now to THINK.

This guy captures more about how I feel about this entire series than anything else I've ever seen or heard or read. I still have my own thoughts about the reflections in the car windows from the very first episode, and maybe I'll get to that write up one day, too.